
NOTICE OF CO-OPTION 31st October 2024

COEDPOETH COMMUNITY COUNCIL Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011, Section 116 Notice of Co-Option NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the  COEDPOETH  Community Council intends to Co-opt 2 members to...


Please fill out the consultation survey to help the Clywedog Valley Partnership (Nant Mill Trust and Groundworks North Wales) to gather the views of local people about what happens to the Clywedog...


A new COMMUNITY CUPBOARD has been initiated by the Community Agent, Tracey Gray, at the Old Carnegie Library. The cupboard can be access by anyone, on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Anyone...


Wrexham County Borough Council - information about upcoming roadworks can be found at these places: Website: Road traffic alerts | Traffic Wales, Rhybuddion traffig | Traffig Cymru X:...

Sale of Cemetery Lodge

As people may be aware, the Lodge, at Coedpoeth Cemetery is now on the market to be sold by auction. The decision was taken by the Community Council to sell this property as it it no longer...

Notice of Co-option 1st May 2024

COEDPOETH COMMUNITY/TOWN COUNCIL Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011, Section 116 Notice of Co-Option NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the  COEDPOETH  Community Council intends to Co-opt 1...


UPDATE!!: The footpath near the top of the stairs has been repaired, however please remember that due to the natural undulations of the ground, the growth of trees and the settling of ground around...

Coedpoeth Community Council