Community Food Share Cupboard

Community Food Share Cupboard

The Community Cupboard is accessible to all.

It has a selection of long shelf life items and toiletries, nappies and pet food (when available).
The cupboard is open and can be accessed between 9am and 12pm on Tuesdays currently, but grab bags are available at any other time.
If you need any other help, please speak to our community agent Tracey Gray for support.
The only rules are that users:
  • Only access it once a week (please speak to the community agent if you need to access the food share more often)
  • Only take 5 items (this may change depending on supplies – also, please speak to Tracey if more items are needed)
  • Don’t take more than 2 of any same item
Please speak to a member of staff if you need baby milk products or a grab bag when the cupboard is not open
Coedpoeth Community Council